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90 Day transformational yoga teacher business coaching

Now it’s YOUR TURN. This is YOUR TIME.

90 Day transformational yoga teacher business coaching

What do you desire?
To have more money, time & creative freedom?
To do meaningful work in the world?
To love what you do AND have it support you financially?
To take better care of your body & health?
To put yourself first for a change?
To enjoy deeper & loving relationships?
To travel?
To have more time for fun & play in your life?
To spend more time with family & friends?
To stop doing the same thing over & over again expecting different results?
To start receiving all that you have been asking for?

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In 2006, I took a leap of faith to create my life, happiness & success on my terms. Taking the road less travelled over & over again is not necessarily an easy choice to make, except when the alternative feels like you would live an unlived life. Yes, many choices I've made have been "out of the box". Despite all the "what if's" & "shoulds," I went for it. I was determined, persistent, got clear on what I desired for MY happiness & went for it.


I have devoted the past 16 years of my life to teaching and creating classes. I use all that I have learned & all that I have lived to help coach my clients & support them on their journey to personal freedom.

Now it’s YOUR TURN. This is YOUR TIME.

You don't have to apologize for your desires or make them wrong, anymore. You wouldn't have those desires if they weren't meant for you. It's time you go after them. It's time to close the gap from where you are, to where you want to be, so that you can finally live the life you've been envisioning for yourself.


What benefits will I get from coaching with Emily Vendemmia?

  • Create self-care routines essential to your success & happiness in all areas of your life.

  • Increase your energy & improve your overall physical, mental & emotional health.

  • Manage your time more efficiently & create more space for yourself, your family & the things you love to do.

  • Identify what YOU truly desire - not what others have told you that you "should" be, do or have.

  • Uncover negative thought patterns, core beliefs & conditioned behaviors that are blocking your success.

  • Remove the obstacles sabotaging your success & happiness - such as fear, shame, guilt & doubt.

  • Gain simple tools & easy to implement action steps to help you avoid pitfalls & achieve desires faster.

  • Know your unique, signature offer, and package and price it in such a way that you authentically attract your ideal clients, with integrity, and without feeling sleazy, salesy or pushy.

  • Master your message and know your target market inside and out so that you are not only speaking your ideal clients' language but they are seeking YOU out and finding you, happily ready to pay you in full for your services, with virtually no sales involved.

  • Create an easy to implement marketing plan for your offers that expand your time, increase your energy and work for you even while you sleep.


Coaching with Emily Vendemmia IS FOR YOU if:

  • You are ready to finally remove the obstacles holding you back from living the life of your dreams.

  • You are ready to create the life and work you desire, on purpose.

  • You are ready to claim the freedom, success & happiness that you know in your heart is meant for you.

  • You desire to create lasting, positive change in your life and the lives of the people you come in contact with.

  • You are ready to make the commitment & take responsibility for your happiness and wellbeing.

  • You are ready to create the vision you have for your life and business instead of just fantasizing about it.

  • You are ready for personalized, customized, expert attention.

  • You know that investing in your personal and professional development is money & time well spent and that the lasting, long-term, positive effect is priceless.

  • You know that it takes time, attention, guidance, right action, support & accountability to learn new habits that stick.

Meet The Emily

Hi! I’m Emily Vendemmia and I love supporting yoga teachers!


You are doing AMAZING things in this world (that’s why I have a passion for helping you reach more people!) but you often work alone and because of that, loneliness and doubt can easily take over. Which leads to overthinking and not as much progress.


1:1 coaching is my answer to these struggles.

Sometimes all you need is someone else's eyes, ears and brains on your ideas to gain clarity towards achieving your goals! Tap me in for support and strategic direction so you can move forward more confidently.


What does the 90-day coaching package include? Comprehensive Welcome Packet. One 90-minute Intensive (via telephone or Zoom) Weekly coaching calls - 10 calls total to be used within the 12 weeks (45 minutes each call, via telephone or zoom) Expert Support, Guidance & AccountabilityPersonal access to Emily via e-mail or text, Monday - Friday 8 am-5 pm ET. Customized self-care practices & assignments designed to support your success. Deeper self-development through recommended readings to help you reach your goals.Compassionate, safe space to dive deep into long-held blocks without judgment. Inspiration to recognize your true potential & fulfill your dreams. Motivation to take action to create the life you desire. Action steps to execute in order to reach your goals faster and easier.Weekly homework & accountability to keep you on track.

My mentorship is perfect for yoga teachers who already have a foundation of business tools, but need specific strategies and holistic support to grow authentically and sustainably, and claim the role of soulful CEO.

Become the soulful CEO of your business

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